搜電影 SO MOVIE 1.3.2
天天搜電影,天天看電影!電影隨身帶著走,讓您走到哪,看到哪!※即日起新申辦亞太4G指定促案即可免費體驗搜電影兩個月!※目前僅開放亞太用戶使用SO MOVIE搜電影為24小時線上提供各類精彩電影的影音服務。驚險刺激的動作;浪漫甜蜜的愛情;捧腹大笑的喜劇;驚悚懸疑的恐怖;溫馨感人的小品…令人驚艷的視覺饗宴,不限次數和片數,每月精彩無限看到飽!近期強檔好片:要聽神明的話、盜數計時、京城81號、鴻門宴[小提醒]1.搜電影目前僅支援亞太用戶申裝使用,他網用戶申裝功能將於近日推出,謝謝您的愛用與支持!2.搜電影為月租型服務,每月199元,可無限收看搜電影內的所有電影。3.將以亞太電信帳單進行付費,取消服務後仍可使用服務至繳費週期期滿,當期帳單也會完整收取月租費。4.搜電影目前僅授權台澎金馬地區。
隨身FUN音樂是一個簡單流暢的線上音樂收聽軟體,即時上架最新的流行專輯與排行榜熱門歌曲,另外您也可以依喜好收藏及編輯個人歌單,聽音樂就是這麼簡單!只要連上3G/4G或WiFi網路,數十萬首歌曲讓您聽個夠!最新上架電視/電影原聲帶...等眾多歌手超夯歌曲盡在隨身FUN音樂!服務特色:※ 註冊帳號完全免費,五天免費試用期,所有內容免費放送!※ 新版操作界面,視覺品味更時尚,操作更流暢!※ MV及演唱會/微電影頻道,眾多音樂影片完整觀賞!※ 熱門活動專區,享受音樂娛樂還可再享多重好康優惠!小叮嚀:本服務僅提供亞太電信用戶及擁有亞太帳號者使用唷~費用說明:付費會員:每月199元可完整收聽歌曲並使用完整服務。【貼心提醒:本服務目前不支援Android2.3以下5.0以上版本及平版裝置使用】FUN music player is asimple and smooth online music listening software, instant shelveswith the latest pop album chart hits, in addition you can editaccording to your preferences and personal collection of singlesong, music is so simple! Just connect 3G / 4G or WiFi network,hundreds of thousands of songs lets you listen to fill!New Arrival TV / soundtrack ... and many other singers ultraportable FUN ram song all about music!Features:※ registered account completely free, five days free trial period,all content free run!※ the new user interface, visual taste more stylish, operating moresmoothly!※ MV and Concert / micro movie channels, numerous music videoscomplete watch!※ popular activity area, enjoy the music and entertainment can alsothen enjoy multiple goodies Free!Small caution: The Asia-Pacific telecommunications serviceproviders and users only have to use the Asia-Pacific accounts yo~Fee:Paying members: 199 yuan per month to complete listening to songsand use the full service.[Intimate reminder: This service is currently Android2.3 less 5.0or later does not support the use of lithographic apparatus]
FUN電鈴聲館_台哥大版 2.10
※Fun電鈴聲館_台哥大版僅支援台灣大哥大電信用戶使用限時優惠,點數加倍送!現在申裝成為月租會員立即享點數兩倍優惠!(原價60元/60點,優惠期間為60元/120點)服務即時更新,包括國語、台語、西洋等總計數十萬首歌庫讓用戶自行選擇單次或月租下載。台灣大哥大用戶更享有好康優惠『首月免月租』(需續申裝至次月),月租會員還可獨享每月超過10首以上熱門歌曲免費下載,成功下載的歌曲還可同步設定為智慧型手機來電鈴聲或隨身MP3使用,讓使用智慧型手機的您下載鈴聲更為便利,好歌不漏接!鈴聲設定步驟:HTC或其他 Android 手機您可先下載『Android檔案總管』軟體→找出記憶卡內「ringtones」資料夾(路徑為:/sdcard/ringtones)→將您欲設定為鈴聲之歌曲搬移至此進行設定即可。搶聽推薦:蔡依林、五月天、王心凌、張惠妹、終極X宿舍原聲帶(ROCK、POP、Music、MP3、鈴聲、Billboard、東洋、西洋、國語、日韓)費用說明:1.本服務為月租型服務,若使用服務期間不滿一個月做退租,我們仍以一個月做計算。2.當月月租點數僅保留至月底,若月租點數未使用完畢則無法自動增加於次月,若於當月取消服務,剩餘點數仍可保留至月底。3.本服務月租60元僅為內容使用費,並無包含傳輸費,使用服務產生之相關傳輸費用另計,資訊傳輸費用因用戶使用不同資費方案而不同。※ Fun electric bellmuseum _ Tai Geda version only supports Taiwan Mobiletelecommunications usersLimited Time Offer, doubling the number of points to send! Nowbecome a monthly membership application installed immediately enjoydouble points promotions!(Original price 60 yuan / 60 points, the concession period is 60yuan / 120 points)Service instant updates, including Mandarin, Taiwanese, andother total hundreds of thousands of Western song library allowsthe user to select single or monthly downloads. Taiwan Mobile usersare more goodies to enjoy preferential "in the first month freemonthly" (to be continued to the next month application installed),monthly membership is also more exclusive more than 10 popularsongs per month for free download, can be successfully downloadedsongs synchronization settings for smart phones or portable MP3ringtones use, make use of smart phones more convenient for you todownload ringtones, songs do not miss!Ringtones setting procedure: HTC or other Android phones you canfirst download the "Android File Manager" software → find thememory card "ringtones" folder (path: / sdcard / ringtones) → wouldyou want to set as ringtones of the songs move so far can beset.Listen grab Recommended: Jolin Tsai, Mayday, Cyndi, Mei,Ultimate X dormitory soundtrack (ROCK, POP, Music, MP3, ringtones,Billboard, Japan, Western, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean)Fee:1 This type of service is a monthly service, the use of less thanone month during the service do surrender, we are still a month todo the calculation.2 month monthly number of points to retain only until the end, ifthe monthly number of points is not used up you can notautomatically increase in the next month, if cancel the service inthe month, the remaining points may retain until the end.3 The content is only 60 yuan monthly service fee, no transfer feeincludes related transmission costs arising from the use of extraservices, information transmission costs because users withdifferent tariff schemes and different.
FUN流行音樂館-手機鈴聲、高音質MP3無限下載 2.10.0
The industry's most expensive genuine ringtone download APP, it iseasy to catch a song popular music hall Fun!
Camera Care 2.3.0318
1. Camera Care (Cameracare) is setforindividual / family care APP software used2. You can use the surplus computer equipment homewithconvenient and cheap web camera (webcam), used to constructanetwork of care, you care to watch the object (baby /pet)anywhere3. "cheapest, easiest to install, use the most convenient" isourcharacteristics, the entire system so that you do not need tobuyexpensive equipment with the operating system can[Instructions for use]1. Mobile Download Camera Care APP2. Install execution, and made "activation code"3. Download Camera Care Client software (from the fan page)4. Install executed on a computer, and enter the"activationcode"5. Back to the APP, press the "refresh" button[Fan Page]https://www.facebook.com/Camera-Care-Live-Surveillance-503405049829180/?fref=ts
Camerabay for Android TV 1.0.3
麥卡貝網路電視 Camerabay.tv 每週一至週日提供各式各樣多元的節目目前已有遊戲節目、音樂節目、綜藝節目,未來將推出更多元豐富的節目,打造一個專屬的全方面影音平台!目前主持群:邰智源、KID林柏昇、泱泱、溫妮、沈玉琳、解婕翎、亞洲統神、六嘆、鳥屎、魯蛋、森野葉子、大魚、Never_loses、小希兒、台灣帝王LZ、Fireman魯比、RB、基隆東、媛媛、Amy、琳妲、天菜娘娘、阿樂遊戲節目 週一:電玩爆爆 19:00~22:00 週二:魯蛋當家 19:00~22:00 週三:現在宅知道 19:00~22:00週四:競電合作社 19:00~22:00 週五:拜五趴厚系 19:00~22:00 週五:統神電台 22:00~00:00 綜藝節目週三:琳來瘋 21:00~23:00 週四:木曜4超玩 21:00~23:00 音樂時尚 週六:學生天團瘋音樂 19:30~21:00
McCabe is Internet TV with various programs At present, there aresports broadcasts, game shows, music shows, and variety shows, andmore diverse and rich programs will be launched in the future tocreate an exclusive all-round audio-visual platform!
遠傳行動電視 5.2.6
Strong files of audio and video are on the remote mobile TV! [Thisservice will stop providing App downloads after 2022/01/01, pleaseforgive me for the inconvenience!]
TV Go!_4G
※ cinema, theater, animation, variety, life, parenting, and VOD asyou look! ※ news, finance, sports, entertainment and information inone hand!
TV隨身看HD 3.0.4
Watching HD on the TV allows you to watch TV at any time, and takeit with you! *This service only supports mobile devices such assmart phones and tablets.